Thursday, July 24, 2008

Thou lumpish common-kissing whey-face!

Got the title from my latest favorite website the Shakespearean Insulter

I am writing this simply as an example to everybody else how to start off a blog when you really don't know how to start off a blog.

Any questions?

Anyway, that all I got to say about that. If you have anything to say about anything that isn't boring or about law school, please feel free to post.


Tyler David said...

Three things:
First, I saw Batman. Excellent. No Country For Batman? Is it because in NCFOM we had Good (the Sheriff), Evil (the dude with the air gun) and somewhere in between (the cowboy portraying everyman) and in Batman we have Good (Batman and Commissioner Gordon), Evil (the Joker), and somewhere in between (Two-Face)? Plus the villain who follows his own moral code?

Second, the Hairmax LaserComb - the first and only laser device proven to regrow hair for only $545.

Third, what is MMA?

Anonymous said...

Cool random & outrageous!!!

Qiu said...


Tanenblog said...

MMA or Mixed Martial Arts is a combat sport that allows wide range of fighting styles. Often the matches are held in a cage, and ends by one of the parties being "submitted" and tapping out. My favorite all time competitor is Horace Gracie. Horace was a relatively short and thin guy, and always kind of hunched over and hung over looking, but he destroyed rought 10,000 he men types in a row with a ju jitsu fighting style developed by his dad that involved falling on his back getting the crap beat out of him and then suddenly somehow wrapping his legs around the other's guys neck and choking him off. Also, I should mention that MMA often features blood squishing, spilling, flinging, and flying around. I think it is a good time, but most of enjoyment is derived from the fact that I am not the one this time getting my ass kicked.